We Are Coming Soon
Thank you for being patient. Our team is working diligently on our site and it will be available by May 1, 2024. In the meantime, you can learn more about who we are and subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed and receive updates about OAAR.
About Us
Dedicated to transparency and accessibility of medical education.
OAAR, Osteopathic & Allopathic Admissions Requirements, was founded with one goal: help reduce the cost of medical school applications by providing an inexpensive data repository containing information about osteopathic (D.O) and allopathic (M.D) medical schools. The data we offer, which is sourced directly from medical schools and public AAMC* resources, includes MCAT scores, GPA, cost of attendance, demographics, and much more for 192 medical schools in the United States. We hope OAAR helps applicants select what medical schools to apply to at a lower cost.
* Association of American Medical Colleges
Disclaimer: OAAR is not affiliated with the AAMC